Why no ads?

Unlike most blogs, you will not see ads on my site. Which leads some to ask, “why are there no ads?”

The main reason is I’m not running my site as a means to make money. This is one way I’ve chosen to express myself. It is my home base online, a platform that I control. This site is my contribution to you. It is a collection of my thoughts, perspectives, and tools that I hope you find helpful.

If something I write inspires you and you’d like to pay me back in some way, share the post with those in the circles you run in. If you want to contribute to me, you can always buy me a coffee or visit the Recommendations page where I have linked to products and services I recommend. Most of the links on the recommendations page are affiliate links which means I either get swag for referring people to those vendors/sites. I also use affiliate links for products I recommend throughout the website which means I get a small percentage of the purchase price of the item you buy for referring you to the product.

Finally, if you want to support what I’m doing, you can use the form below to subscribe via email or Subscribe to my RSS feed to receive updates.

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