If you are on Twitter, you are probably familiar with the concept of FollowFriday or #FF. The idea behind FollowFriday is that you share people in your network that you think that others who are followers of yours should be following. I don’t think this should be limited to just Twitter, that is why I have decided to start featuring 2 people on my personal and business blogs that I feel you should be following. So without further ado, two people you should be following are:
- Chris Brogan – http://www.chrisbrogan.com – http://twitter.com/chrisbrogan – Chris Brogan is President of New Marketing Labs, a new media marketing agency, and home of the Inbound Marketing Summit conferences and Inbound Marketing Bootcamp educational events. He works with large and mid-sized companies to improve online business communications like marketing and PR through the use of social software, community platforms, and other emerging web and mobile technologies.
- Jesse Stay – http://staynalive.com – http://twitter.com/Jesse – Jesse consults with his business, Stay N’ Alive Productions, LLC, and runs a social relationship management company called SocialToo.com. Jesse is one of the pioneers of the Social Media, Facebook, and Twitter Software space.
Enjoy getting to know these guys, let me know of anyone you think I should be following.